Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The pie chart of procrastination

I like to call this the 'pie-chart of procrastination'. I'm currently writing an essay on medieval childbirth and in my reading I came across some interesting facts. Did you know...?
  • A woman who commits adultery shall do penance for three years as a fornicator. So also shall she do penance who takes her husband's semen in her food for the increase of love.
  • If a man has intercourse with his wife from behind, he shall do penance for forty days for the first time.
This is from The Penitential of Theodore, who was Anglosaxon rather than medieval, but I found it amusing. Clearly these Anglosaxons were dirtier than we thought.

Monday, 28 March 2011

The cycle of English seminars

I haven't done my 3rd year yet but I can only imagine that it will be like that. Having a few teething problems with the pictures so click on them for a clearer picture!

Sunday, 27 March 2011


This is the very first post of my very new blog.

Fear not everyone, this is not another of those whiney self-indulgent blogs that clutter up the Internet. My Big Fat Geeky English Blog (or BFGEB for short) is a place where I can put the geeky cartoons that clog up my head on a daily basis. Hopefully they'll amuse someone.

Doing English literature at university is undeniably academically and intellectually stimulating and blah blah blah, but you also have to laugh at it sometimes.

Along the way I'll be trying to answer the questions that plague us all -
  • Is it possible to justify 3 hours contact time a week for the money we pay?
  • Will we ever get a job?
  • Is there any way we can slip Harry Potter into an essay and get away with it?
Stay tuned duckies.